The brain and consciousness are domains that we really don't know much about scientifically, relatively speaking. So it is difficult to make hard claims and direct links among factors of cause and affect. From a holistic and systemic lens we do know that there are measurable correlations among neural activity, states of consciousness, and biophysical functions, as well as psychological and mental states. Its all related. There are many entry points to feel better, be happier, and increase performance, but at the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviors is the communication between neurons within our brains. Neurons communicate via brainwaves.
Different brainwave states are reflected as different states of consciousness, which are experiential, such as dreaming or wakefulness. Your brain is consistently generating an entire spectrum of brainwave frequencies. At certain times your brain generates dominant levels of a specific bandwidth. A dominant theta state occurs naturally twice a day. It is the dreamy, half asleep, half awake consciousness you experience just before drifting off to sleep or right as you wake up. Unfortunately a dominant theta-state is elusive, usually a fleeting experience as your brain transitions into higher or lower gear. Theta waves are instrumental in the release of serotonin, DHEA, melatonin, as well as the reduction of cortisol levels, and release of beta endorphins.
More About Brainwaves:
The Audio Elixir protocol leverages the features of 3D sound to stimulate different levels of brainwave activity. What are brainwaves? At the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviors is the communication between neurons within our brains. These neurons communicate via electrical impulses. The patterns produced by the synchronized electrical activity from the billions of neurons are referred to as brainwaves. Neurons are electrochemically triggered to release certain neurotransmitters and hormones at certain frequencies. Our brainwave patterns change according to what we’re doing and feeling. Research has shown that the rate of brainwave patterns can by influenced by an external input such as light or sound. By stimulating certain brainwave activity, you can experience shifts in your mind and body. Brainwaves are measured in terms of frequency or Hertz (cycles per second). The spectrum is divided into bandwidths - delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma which relate to different functions. Your brain is consistently generating the entire spectrum of brainwave frequencies. At certain times your brain generates dominant levels of a specific bandwidth which correlates to a certain mental, physical, and experiential state ranging from deep sleep to focused concentration.